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Lesser known places in Salvador de Bahia

Salvador de Bahía Special Guide. 18-Oct-2010 .Traveler Oliveira
Some interesting and lesser known places in Salvador de Bahia

Salvador is full of interesting places to discover, I met many through Bahian friends, but there are also secret places that are discovered walking the city, as you discover the special places: places that from the outside are one thing and then transform into another, like bars that suddenly appear in a subsoil of a house, or small squares surrounded by restaurants, embedded and hidden in the middle of an apple. There are few cities in the world in which the urban chaos generated beauty, Salvador is one of them .

Jazz en el Museo de Arte Moderno de Salvador de Bahía
Jazz en el Museo de Arte Moderno de Salvador de Bahía
foto de danielagama_fotografando - CC by

Jazz in the Museum

How about enjoying a good jazz concert by the sea for very little money? On Saturday afternoons/night at the MAM(modern art museum of Salvador, View on satellite map ) Jazz recitals are performed outdoors. It's about Jazz no MAM , and it's already becoming a Saturday classic in Salvador.

Bloco Afro Ilê Aiyê en el Carnaval de Salvador de Bahía 2010
Bloco Afro Ilê Aiyê en el Carnaval de Salvador de Bahía 2010
photo by agecombahia - CC 2.0 by

The place is charming: a large open-air courtyard of the modern art museum, called Solar da Unhão , and surrounded by the sea on all sides; in passing you can take advantage of and know the pavilions and the works of the museum.

edificios del "corredor da vitoria" desde el mar
edificios del
photo by eduardo pelosi - CC 2.0 by

Jazz no MAM : Saturdays at 6 pm, only 4 reais per ticket.

Favela "chic" desde el Museo de Arte Moderno de Salvador (MAM)
photo by pelosi - CC 2.0 by-nd

Campo Grande and the " corredor da Vitoria "

Halfway between the center of Salvador de Bahia and the most touristic neighborhood of the city( Barra ), you will find Campo Grande ( See in satellite map ) a huge square, too urban and centric to be considered a park, in front of one of the sides is Salvador's most important theater, the Castro Alves Theater, or TCA as the bahians know, after knowing Campo Grande, if you give them your legs you can walk from there to the beach of Porto da Barra (about 20 blocks, See on satellite map ) crossing the neighborhood of < em> Vitória , through the sophisticated corredor da Vitoria , a sector of the avenue Sete de Setembro ( See on satellite map ) populated by embassies, cultural centers and the luxurious buildings overlooking the bay where the rich and famous Bahians like Ivete Sangalo live. After the runner gives vitoria the hillside that goes down towards Porto da Barra begins, in the descent there are sectors with good views of the Bay of all the saints

Cruz do Pascual Bar

One of Salvador's irresistible bars is almost secret and is at the end of the Pelourinho , passing the Convento do carmo ( See on satellite map ); It has a small sign hanging on the facade, as you pass through the door you will see something simple and small resembling an old warehouse or even tables on the street, but it is easy not to find it or confuse it even knowing where it is, you have to enter and turn the Right from the counter to the back as if one were employed and went to work in the kitchen: at the end of a corridor we reached a terrace with tables, with a view that surprises us of the bahia de los santos , it is quite cheap in relation to other bars and restaurants, and the atmosphere is usually very pleasant, and its carne do sol with Aipim famous.

The Cruz do Pascual is almost opposite the cross of the same name, at one end of the Pelourinho .

Bar do Tirson

Sometimes bars are discovered casually in Salvador, as when I entered without knowing the Bar do Tirson , very close to Campo Grande( View on satellite map ), and the bar was about to close, intrigued by posters of a player appearing on all the walls, I asked the one who looked after me who was that long-haired young man who appeared on the ball-in-hand posters; the same Tirson (one of the great idols of the Bahia football club) told me it was him; and then we talked for a long time, telling me about when he played with the legendary Argentine striker José Sanfilippo in the Bay of the 70s, and assuring me that for him, who had seen him play daily in training, Sanfilippo was better than Maradona. A bar recommended for football lovers , if Tirson is in good spirits, it will tell you stories of a golden age of Brazilian football, of which he was a privileged protagonist, a > Tirson who played 5 times against the King's Saints Pelé , and even once won him, or maybe he told them his own maracanazo , when he did 2 goals to Flamengo in the legendary stadium of Rio de Janeiro.

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Jazz en el Museo de Arte Moderno de Salvador de Bahía
Jazz en el Museo de Arte Moderno de Salvador de Bahía
Bloco Afro Ilê Aiyê en el Carnaval de Salvador de Bahía 2010
Bloco Afro Ilê Aiyê en el Carnaval de Salvador de Bahía 2010
edificios del "corredor da vitoria" desde el mar
edificios del
Favela "chic" desde el Museo de Arte Moderno de Salvador (MAM)


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