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Praia do Rosa

Beaches in Brazil. 7-Oct-2011 .brazilbeachtravel
90 kilometers south of Florianópolis, Praia do Rosa is one of the most beautiful beaches of Santa Catarina, and one of the best alternative destinations in southern Brazil.

Praia do Rosa , in the town of Imbituba and south of the state of Santa Catarina, is along with the beaches of Joaquina, da Vila and Guarda do Embaú, one of the best surfing beaches that the South of Brazil, its natural beauty also places it high up among the most beautiful beaches in southern Brazil.

Praia do Rosa
Praia do Rosa
photo by Renato A Costa - CC 2.0 by

Like much of the state of Santa Catarina, it is characterized by beaches with hills, lagoons and sub-tropical vegetation on the shores of a blue sea. The particular beauty of the Praia do Rosa is given by its shape, it is a small cove less than 2 kilometers long, all surrounded by green hills and with 2 lagoons in the middle: the Lagoa do Meio ( View on satellite map ), right in the middle of the beach, and Lagoa do Canto ( View on satellite map ), smaller towards the south side of the Beach.

Praia do Rosa
Praia do Rosa
photo by Andreia Reis - CC 2.0 by

The beautiful inlet of Praia do Rosa, has been considered more than once as one of the most beautiful beaches in all of Brazil, besides being the only beach in Brazil, placed on the select list of the most beautiful bays in the world by the NGO based in Paris responsible for the world-bays.com website.

Praia do Rosa
Praia do Rosa
photo by groundzero - CC 2.0 by

Paradise of Surf

Praia do Rosa , is located within the region of greater natural beauty of the state of Santa Catarina, 90 kilometers south of Florianópolis, and only 15 km from the center of Garopaba( See in satellite map ), being part of the municipality of Imbituba, in addition to natural beauty what predominates in this beach region of southern Brazil, are the good waves: from the Praia da Vila and until Joaquina in Florianópolis, passing by Guarda do Embaú and Praia do Rosa , this region of southern Brazil is famous among surfers for its perfect waves, in fact Praia do Rosa is the venue for numerous competitions and Praia da Vila, just 15 kilómet To the south of Praia do Rosa , is considered internationally as one of the best waves for surfing in Brazil.

Praia do Rosa
Praia do Rosa
photo by Andreia Reis - CC 2.0 by

In addition to surfing, the beaches of this region offer good wind for the practice of Windsurfing and Kitesurfing.

Praia do Rosa
Praia do Rosa
photo by Andreia Reis - CC 2.0 by

Tranquility and frank whales in spring, agitation in summer

In addition to surfing and natural beauty, this bay is one of the best places to observe the right whales, between the months of August and November, these mammals choose the coasts of Santa Catarina to give birth and feed their young. The whale watching is one of the main attractions of Praia do Rosa out of season, who want to enjoy the tranquility that does not exist in summer and also have the possibility of seeing whales near the coast, have in Praia do Rosa a good option for holidays in low season, the not so warm weather is compensated with peace to enjoy the scenery and the whale show.

Praia do Rosa
Praia do Rosa
photo by fegavronski - CC 2.0 by

In summer, on the other hand, Praia do Rosa is literally invaded by young people from the south of Brazil, São Paulo and Argentina; Praia do Rosa has one of the best nights in the region, and if you do not reach it, it is very close to the beach of Ferrugem in Garopaba( View on satellite map ), one of the beaches with the best night of all the south of Brazil.

Praia do Rosa
Praia do Rosa
photo by groundzero - CC 2.0 by

Praia do Rosa and its neighboring beaches

Praia Vermelha ( View on satellite map )

Small, deserted and with stones of light reddish color at the foot of the hills, good surf waves, is accessed from Praia do Rosa by paths between the hills.

Praia do Ouvidor ( View on satellite map )

Distant about 3 kilometers from Praia do Rosa by road, it is one of the quietest beaches in the region, it belongs to Garopaba, It is small, beautiful and with crystal clear waters. It is possible to arrive by footpath also walking about 2 kilometers above the hill that separates it from Praia Vermelha.

Praia do Luz ( View on satellite map )

It is reached by path from the south side of Praia do Rosa , it has a small island very close to the coast, which separates it from the Ibiraquera beach.

Ibiraquera Beach ( View on satellite map )

Extensive and beautiful beach that combines a huge lagoon, dunes and the small island(Ilha do Batuta) very close to the coast on its north side, excellent for water sports such as kitesurfing and windsurfing, considered one of the best in Brazil for windsurfing on waves.

Praia da Vila ( View on satellite map )

Surf beach internationally known, very extensive and south of the center of Imbituba, has two islands in front of its coast.

How to get to Praia do Rosa

The closest airport to Praia do Rosa is the Hercílio Luz in Florianópolis( View on satellite map ), from there it is necessary to take a bus from the company PauloTur, to Garopaba:


From Garopaba to Praia do Rosa there are buses interpraias approximately hour by hour.

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