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Beaches in Brazil. 24-Oct-2009 .brazilbeachtravel
The most popular urban beach in southern Brazil, a mini Rio de Janeiro in the state of Santa Catarina.

Camboriú is one of the main tourist cities of southern Brazil, located 84km from Florianópolis and 617 km from São Paulo, it is still one of the most visited urban beaches in Brazil, especially by Argentines, Uruguayans and Paraguayans.

vista playa Laranjeiras en camboriú
vista playa Laranjeiras en camboriú
photo by todotiempopasadofuemejor - CC 2.0 by-sa

Camboriú has a hotel network that has more than a hundred hotels and inns of all prices and levels. It also has many restaurants that specialize in seafood, all kinds of dishes based on fish and seafood, and it is also possible to find restaurants with international cuisine and all kinds of culinary options.

Cristo Luz - Camboriú
Cristo Luz - Camboriú
photo by Digital Plus Art & Photo - CC 2.0 by

Camboriú being a medium-sized city(around 100,000 inhabitants) has a complete infrastructure of services, and has banks, ATMs 24 hours and hospitals.

vista de la ensenada y la Playa Central
vista de la ensenada y la Playa Central
photo by juannomore - CC 2.0 by-sa

Located to the north of the southern state of Santa Catarina , Camboriú is the most important spa in this region of Brazil that, apart from beaches, has the architectural appeal left by the numerous European center immigration(mainly German) that left its permanent mark in nearby cities such as Blumenau and Brusque , cities that are worth visiting. Blumenau( View on map ) is also famous for the Oktoberfest , the most important beer festival in Brazil, which It is done every year in the month of October.

foto playa Laranjeiras - Camboriú
foto playa Laranjeiras - Camboriú
photo by arley ramos - CC 2.0 by-nc


Ilha das Cabras

This island is 600 meters from the coast just in front of the central beach of Camboriú.

Praia do Buraco
Praia do Buraco
photo by ghostman - CC 2.0 by

Christ Light

This imposing monument equivalent to the Cristo Redentor of Rio de Janeiro (only 5 meters lower) built in 1997 is the center of a complex that also has shops, cafes and a show -room that shows the construction of the Christ, unlike the Christ of Rio, this in his left hand holds a reflector with an illumination of 86 shades of light that creates a great spectacle of varied lights according to the season of the year. From here it is possible to contemplate a great view that includes the central beach.

playa Laranjeiras - Camboriú
playa Laranjeiras - Camboriú
photo by Yerko pezzopane - CC 2.0 by-nc-nd

Cascata das Sereias

A fountain with lights and waters that surround the sirens of the monument, in its upper part one of the sirens holds a figure that symbolizes the sun.

Playa Central - Camboriú
Playa Central - Camboriú
photo by kunyasobe - CC 2.0 by

Unipraias Park

The Unipraias park with 85 thousand m2, in which it is possible to make trips in trams that connect the beaches of Laranjeiras and Central. In the Barra Sul station, there is a food court, a shopping center and an area for children's recreation. In the morro da Aguada , there are 500 meters of ecological trails to visit, viewpoints, bars, panoramic auditorium and an amphitheater.

Beto Carrero World

( View on satellite map )
Amusement parks, islands and zoos. One of the largest theme parks in the world.


Praia Central

The one with the most movement in the city. It has almost 7 kilometers of extension, calm and clean waters. It has complete infrastructure, with bars, restaurants, discos, hotels and Posadas. At night the promenade of the beach is fully illuminated.


( View on satellite map )

With calm and transparent waters, the beach of Laranjeiras is ideal for water sports. With less than 1 kilometer of extension and a good infrastructure of bars and restaurants. It is accessed through the Interpraias road or the cable car.

Do Estaleiro

( View on satellite map )
This beach on the southern coast of Camboriú is in constant development, and has a growing infrastructure of inns and restaurants. With blue sea of ​​clean waters, and ideal waves to surf throughout the year.

Do Estaleirinho

With 700m of extension, a lot of vegetation, strong waves and clean waters. Variety of hotels and inns are located on the coast.

Do Buraco

( View on satellite map )
Beautiful beach from which you can appreciate the Central Beach, about 3 kilometers. It is accessed by ecological paths. The beach limits to the north with the city of Itajaí.


( View on satellite map )
Calm water beach located 8 kilometers from the center of Camboriú on the south coast. It is a small fishermen's colony surrounded by mountains and nature.


This beautiful beach surrounded by vegetation and almost deserted, rough sea and crystal clear water, is located 7 km south of the city. It is ideal for fishing with a net.

Do Pinho

( View on satellite map )
Cover of vegetation in its 500 meters of extension and calm sea, is one of the most important naturist beaches of the Brazilian coast. It has infrastructure of campsites, restaurants and bars.

How to get there

You can get to Camboriú by air both through the airport of the neighboring city of Navegantes (at 20 km, See on satellite map ) or through the airport of the state capital in Florianópolis (at 84 km, See in satellite map ), it is to this last airport where most of the flights from Brazil and international arrive.

The road that leads to Camboriú is the BR-101, which is also the route that links a large part of the Brazilian coastline from south to north. If the intention is to arrive with a car of its own, caution should be exercised since the journey between Florianópolis and Camboriú has been the scene of many accidents, mainly because of motorists who do not they know the particular conditions of these routes full of curves between the mountains.

If instead you travel by bus, the company Pluma has services that link Camboriú with Buenos Aires and Rosario, there is also a line of Pen that connects Santiago de Chile and southern Brazil.

Another option available for trips by bus from Argentina is the company Flechabus

For trips from Montevideo Uruguay, the TTL company operates services to Camboriú( see prices and schedules ).

For trips from Asunción del Paraguay there is a bus service by the company Boquerón(Tel(21) 551-738 550-880).

More information about Brazil and its Beaches: BrazilBeachTravel.com
Prices of bus tickets to southern Brazil for Summer 2010

more brazilian beaches
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vista playa Laranjeiras en camboriú
vista playa Laranjeiras en camboriú
vista de la ensenada y la Playa Central
vista de la ensenada y la Playa Central
foto playa Laranjeiras - Camboriú
foto playa Laranjeiras - Camboriú
Praia do Buraco
Praia do Buraco
playa Laranjeiras - Camboriú
playa Laranjeiras - Camboriú
Playa Central - Camboriú
Playa Central - Camboriú


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